
What’s the Problem with Substantive Review?[Record]

  • Megan Pfiffer

Megan Pfiffer is an SJD Candidate at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Law. This paper began as an independent research project supervised by Jacob Weinrib, whose superb guidance is matched only by the project’s current supervisor, David Dyzenhaus. I thank them both for their role in making this paper possible. Sincere thanks are also due to Mariana Mota Prado and Arthur Ripstein for their careful interventions. The paper benefitted significantly from feedback during two University of Toronto SJD works in progress meetings, and a workshop hosted by Evan Fox-Decent at McGill University. It was supported by a SSHRC doctoral fellowship.

Citation: (2024) 69:3 McGill LJ 325

Référence : (2024) 69:3 RD McGill 325
