
Modernizing Non-Profit Law in Canada[Record]

  • Samuel Singer

Samuel Singer is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa in Ottawa, Ontario. This article draws on research supported by the Law Foundation of British Columbia. The author thanks Carson Davies, Emily Halliday, Cody Kessler, Katie Matthews, Karen Perry, Oluwaseun Senbore, and Ziyad Zeidan, for their research assistance, and is grateful to the anonymous peer reviewers, Monica Cheng, Wayne Gray, Vanessa MacDonnell, Sylvia Rich, Andie Hoàng-Lefranc and the McGill Law Journal team, and the participants in the Purdy Crawford Business Law Workshop for their helpful and insightful feedback.

Citation: (2023) 68:4 McGill LJ 407

Référence : (2023) 68:4 RD McGill 407
