
Lines Drawn in Blood: A Comparative Perspective on the Accommodation of Blended Families in Succession Law[Record]

  • Laura Cárdenas

Associate, IMK LLP. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of IMK LLP. Laura Cárdenas holds a B.F.A., M.A., and a B.C.L./LL.B. (Hons.) from McGill University and is a member of the Québec and Ontario Bars. The author thanks Professors Robert Leckey, Lionel Smith, Alexandra Popovici, and Alexandra Braun for their advice and insightful comments in the development of this article, and the MLJ team for their thorough review and dedication. My thanks also go to David, for being my rock, to Georges, who offered me some much-needed perspective and smiles in the final stages of this long project, and to Éléonore, who inspires me every day to look at the world with an open heart and an open mind.

Citation: (2020) 65:4 McGill LJ 573

Référence : (2020) 65:4 RD McGill 573
