
Decreasing the Data Deficit: Improving Post-Market Surveillance in Pharmaceutical Regulation[Record]

  • Trudo Lemmens and
  • Shannon Gibson

Trudo Lemmens is Associate Professor and Scholl Chair in Health Law and Policy, and Shannon Gibson is Research Associate, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto. A Genome Canada grant on Ethical and Legal Issues of Cancer Initiating Stem Cell Research, and a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Grant, “Promoting Integrit y of Medical Research: The Janus Face of Regulation” provided financial support. During part of the writing of this paper, TL was a Faculty Member, Center for Transnational Legal Studies; Academic Visitor, HeLEX Centre & Faculty of Law, University of Oxford; and Plumer Visiting Fellow, St. Anne’s College. The authors are grateful to the organizers and participants of the workshop on “Innovations technologiques, incertitude et droit de la responsabilité” for fruitful discussions and feedback that contributed to the writing of this paper. A short version of this paper was presented at a 2012 hearing of the Canadian Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology. Kelly Tai did excellent background research and work on the references. Insightful comments by two anonymous reviewers helped to improve the paper.

Citation: (2014) 59:4 McGill LJ 943

Référence : (2014) 59 : 4 RD McGill 943
