
Toward A Federal Legal Theory of the City[Record]

  • Hoi Kong

Assistant Professor of Law, McGill University. I thank the participants in the May 2011 Spatiality and Justice Workshop for their generous comments and challenging questions, the Social Science and Humanities Research Council for funding that workshop, and the Borden Ladner Gervais Research Fellowship for supporting the final stages of research for this article. In addition, I am grateful to Deb Curran and Douglas Harris, and two anonymous reviewers for their very helpful written comments. Finally, I owe a debt of gratitude to Richard Briffault, Marie-Claude Prémont, Chuck Sabel, and Bill Simon, for stimulating conversations; to Adela Maciejewski Scheer for excellent research assistance; and to Montano Cabezas and Tara Mjeren for their careful work on the references.

Citation: (2012) 56:3 McGill LJ 473

Référence : (2012) 56 : 3 RD McGill 473
