McGill Journal of Education
Revue des sciences de l'éducation de McGill

Volume 57, Number 2, Spring 2022

Table of contents (19 articles)

Editorial / Éditorial

  1. Editorial
  2. Éditorial

Articles / Articles

  1. Demoralization as a form of teacher burnout
  2. “Breaking the mould”: Resisting the stereotypes of being a Black Canadian student-athlete
  3. iTutorGroup: A case study of covert native-speakerism underneath a social justice façade
  4. Validation of the French version of the student engagement instrument
  5. Supporting self-regulated learning in a secondary applied mathematics course
  6. Teacher telling in the mathematics classroom: A microlevel study of the dynamics between general and contextualized knowledge
  7. Class-wide behaviour management practices reported by pre-and elementary school teachers: Relations with individual and contextual characteristics
  8. Authoring professional identity: Pre-service teachers and ways of knowing
  9. Co-operative inquiry: A research policy method for secondary education in Nigeria
  10. (Un)making the grade: An instructor’s guide to mitigating the negative impacts of grades within a neoliberal university system

The MJE Forum / Le Forum RSEM

  1. Who am I, really? Reflections on developing professional identity as a Cégep teacher
  2. On in-ness: What Cégep teaching keeps teaching me
  3. Derrière le lutrin… le déséquilibre qui m’inspire

Notes from the Field / Notes du terrain

  1. Lessons from the junk drawer: Possibilities for sustainability in art education

Book Reviews / Comptes-rendus


Back issues of McGill Journal of Education / Revue des sciences de l'éducation de McGill