McGill Journal of Education
Revue des sciences de l'éducation de McGill

Volume 49, Number 3, Fall 2014

Table of contents (13 articles)

  1. Editorial / Éditorial

Articles / Les articles

  1. Mapping the Fit Between Research and Multimedia: A podcast exploration of the place of multimedia within / as scholarship
  2. On the Complexity of Digital Video Cameras in / as Research: Perspectives and agencements
  3. Mobilizing Knowledge via Documentary Filmmaking — Is the Academy Ready?
  4. Mobile(izing) Educational Research: Historical literacy, m-learning, and technopolitics
  5. A Tale of Two Sites: Cellphones, participatory video and indigeneity in community-based research
  6. Researching Photographic Participatory Inquiry in an E-Learning Environment
  7. Becoming Teachers’ Little Epics: What digital storytelling might reveal
  8. Critical Assessment of Video Production in Teacher Education: Can video production foster community-engaged scholarship?
  9. “Reflecting Forward” on the Digital in Multidirectional Memory-Work Between Canada and South Africa

Notes from the Field / Notes du terrain

  1. Using Inexpensive Technology and Multimedia to Improve Science Education in Rural Communities of Nepal
  2. Storytelling and Trauma: Reflections on “Now I See It,” a digital storytelling project and exhibition in collaboration with the Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal

The MJE Forum / Le forum RSÉM

  1. Peer-Reviewer Round Table Response to Ted Riecken’s Scholarly Podcast, “Mapping the Fit Between Research and Multimedia: A podcast exploration of the place of multimedia within / as scholarship”

Back issues of McGill Journal of Education / Revue des sciences de l'éducation de McGill