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Gallego-Hernández, Daniel (2020): Traducción económica e investigación en España. Estudio bibliométrico. Granada: Comares, 256 p.[Record]

  • Elena Alcalde Peñalver

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  • Elena Alcalde Peñalver
    Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, Spain

This book constitutes the first attempt to depict the current research panorama in what can be generally called economic translation. This is definitely a much-needed study due to the dynamic nature of the field, in which new areas of research appear every year as a consequence of changes in the products offered by financial entities and of financial realities in countries all around the world that require regulation. The study is especially relevant given the accelerating pace of technological change as a creative force in the financial industry, with the subsequent implications when it comes to publishing new informative material that needs to be translated into different languages. Indeed, as the author states in the introduction to his book, the main aim when writing it was to provide a bibliometric study of what has been published up to now in this area of specialization, since this is something that has not been previously done. The book also comes as a contribution, within this specialization, to the references that are already available at the very useful open-access database BITRA (Bibliografía de Interpretación y Traducción), at the University of Alicante, Spain. It has a clear structure, divided into twelve different chapters. This review will begin with a brief description of each chapter before making some final remarks with an overall critical appraisal of the content. In the first chapter, the author analyses the relationship between Bibliometrics and Translation Studies, and shows how the first allows us to analyse the bibliographic production of a certain field – in this case, what has been published so far about translation. Studies of this kind are relatively new in this area, especially in economic translation, despite previous studies by the author which attempted to provide a general overview of certain areas, such as the didactics of economic translation in Spain (Gallego Hernández 2016), or a more recent publication by Román and Herrero (2018) which aimed to show the latest trends in economic translation in Spain. In the second chapter, the author explains how he set about consulting the bibliographic information for his study and compiling the corpus, which was done through three different channels. First, he used specialized and general translation databases, such as the above-mentioned BITRA or TSB (Translation Studies Bibliography, published by John Benjamins). Secondly, he directly contacted professors and researchers working in the field and then he created a spreadsheet in which he added updated references from all the different labels under which this specialization can be found (commercial translation, financial translation or business translation, among others). This is especially interesting because it shows the many different categories that were considered to achieve a more comprehensive study. The third chapter focuses on the bibliometric indicators used for the analysis, which were related to the text typology of the studies consulted (chapters, books, doctoral dissertations, journal articles, special journal issues or working documents), the languages used in the studies and their accessibility (whether or not they may be openly accessed on the Internet). The author further explains other indicators that were considered for the study, such as personal features about the authors (sex, institution) or information related to their academic production. Other formal aspects are the period in which the academic works were published and the object of study. All this is carefully illustrated with different graphs and tables that clearly show the result of a very well-established methodology for analysis which could be replicated in other areas of study. In the ensuing chapters of the book, the author reveals the results of the corpus corresponding to each of the areas covered …
