Journal des traducteurs
Translators’ Journal

Volume 65, Number 1, April 2020 New Contexts in Discourse Analysis for Translation and Interpretation Guest-edited by María Calzada Pérez and Jeremy Munday

Table of contents (26 articles)

  1. Errata
  2. In Memoriam – Lourdes Arencibia Rodríguez
  3. Éditorial


Reflections on discourse analysis

  1. Traduire dans un monde de signes non traduits : l’incidence de la multimodalité en traductologie
  2. Comparing across languages in corpus and discourse analysis: some issues and approaches

New contexts

  1. Volunteer translators as ‘committed individuals’ or ‘providers of free labor’? The discursive construction of ‘volunteer translators’ in a commercial online learning platform translation controversy
  2. Manipulation of translation in hard news reporting on the Gulf crisis: combining narrative and appraisal
  3. Taking mediated stance via news headline transediting: a case study of the China-U.S. trade conflict in 2018
  4. Traduction intersémiotique et contexte : des contrats en bande dessinée en tant que documents juridiques accessibles

Fine methods

  1. A corpus-assisted SFL approach to individuation in the European Parliament: the case of Sánchez Presedo’s original and translated repertoires
  2. Shifts of agency in translation: a case study of the Chinese translation of Wild Swans
  3. An SFL-based model for investigating explicitation-related phenomena in translation
  4. Du texte aux ressources multimodales : faire avancer la recherche en interprétation à partir d’un corpus déjà existant
  5. Investigación con corpus cualitativos en los estudios de traducción: el problema de los constructos traductológicos complejos


Comptes rendus

  1. Chesterman, Andrew (2017) : Reflections on Translation Theory : Selected papers 1993-2014. Amsterdam/Philadelphie : John Benjamins, 396 p.
  2. Prieto Ramos, Fernando, ed. (2018): Institutional Translation for International Governance. Enhancing Quality in Multilingual Legal Communication. London/New York: Bloomsbury, 228 p.
  3. Bada, Valérie, Letawe, Céline, Pagnoulle, Christine et Willson, Patricia, dir. (2018) : Impliciter, expliciter – L’intervention du traducteur. Liège : Presses universitaires de Liège, 273 p.
  4. Baumgarten, Stefan and Cornellà-Detrell, Jordi (2018): Translation and Global Spaces of Power. Bristol/Blue Ridge Summit: Multilingual Matters, 248 p.
  5. Russo, Mariachiara, Bendazzoli, Claudio, and Defrancq, Bart, eds. (2018): Making Way in Corpus-based Interpreting Studies. Singapore: Springer, 215 p.
  6. Bowker, Lynne et Buitrago Ciro, Jairo (2019) : Machine Translation and Global Research : Towards Improved Machine Translation Literacy in the Scholarly Community. Bingley : Emerald Publishing, 111 p.
  7. Marais, Kobus (2019) : A (Bio)Semiotic Theory of Translation. The Emergence of Social-Cultural Reality. New York/Londres : Routledge, 208 p.
  8. Dussol, Vincent et Şerban, Adriana, dir. (2018) : Poésie-Traduction-Cinéma/Poetry-Translation-Cinema. Limoges : Éditions Lambert-Lucas, 358 p.
  9. Stone, Christopher and Leeson, Lorraine, eds. (2017): Interpreting and the Politics of Recognition. London/New York: Routledge, 162 p.
  10. Meng, Ji and Oakes, Michael, eds. (2019): Advances in Empirical Translation Studies: Developing Translation Resources and Technologies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 270 p.
  11. Bassnett, Susan, ed. (2018): Translation and World Literature. London/New York: Routledge, 202 p.

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