Journal des traducteurs
Translators' Journal

Volume 55, Number 3, September 2010

Table of contents (16 articles)

  1. Présentation
  2. Traduire la France et le Directoire dans The Columbian Orator de Caleb Bingham (1797)
  3. The Relation Between Translation and Ideology as an Instrument for the Establishment of a National Literature
  4. Culture-Bound Collocations in Bestsellers: A Study of Their Translations from English into Turkish
  5. Fred or farīd, bacon or bayḍun (‘egg’)? Proper Names and Cultural-specific Items in the Arabic Translation of Harry Potter
  6. The Translatability of Interjections: A Case Study of Arabic-English Subtitling
  7. The Translation of Cultural Referents: From Reference to Mental Representation
  8. Théorie du sens et sociocritique en traduction littéraire
  9. Has Globalisation Unburdened the Translator?

Terminologie et linguistique

  1. Quelques principes de normalisation des noms botaniques français : les arbres d’Amérique du Nord

Études et prospectives

  1. Investigating Cultural Competence in English-Arabic Translator Training Programs
  2. Foreign Language Anxiety and Student Interpreters’ Learning Outcomes: Implications for the Theory and Measurement of Interpretation Learning Anxiety


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