Volume 41, Number 1, mars 1996 Le(s) processus de traduction / Translation Process(es) Guest-edited by Frank G. Königs
Table of contents (23 articles)
Le(s) processus de la traduction. Avant-propos
Processus mentaux étudiés chez des sujets allemands apprenant le français lorsqu'ils sont en train de traduire
A Psycholinguistic Analysis of Translation Processes
Veio-me um 'click' na cabeça: The Theoretical Foundations and the Design of a Psycholinguistically Oriented, Empirical Investigation on German-Portuguese Translation Processes
Evaluations — a Key Towards Understanding the Affective Dimension of Translational Decisions
Hard Work Will Bear Beautiful Fruit. A Comparison of Two Think-Aloud Protocol Studies
Self Correction in Translation Courses: A Methodological Tool
Mapping the Process of Translation
Lexical Search Strategies in Translation
Cognition and Translation Didactics
The Strategic Dimension of Interpreting
Modèles empiriques et expérimentaux en traductologie : question d'épistémologie
Arnaud, Pierre J.-L et Philippe Thoiron (dir.) (1993) : Aspects du vocabulaire, Travaux du C.R.T.T., Lyon, Presses universitaires de Lyon, 147 p. ISBN 2-7297-0465-5
Hammond, Deanna L. (Ed.) (1994) : Professional Issues for Translators and Interpreters, ATA - American Translators Association Scholarly Monograph Series, Volume VII, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 216 p.
Gentzler, Edwin (1993) : Contemporary Theories of Translation, Londres et New York, Routledge, 224 p. ISBN 0-415-09172-1
Ballard, Michel (dir.) (1995) : Relations discursives et traduction, Coll. "étude de la traduction", Lille, P.U.L., 297 p.
Lerat, Pierre (1995) : Les langues spécialisées, coll. "Linguistique nouvelle", Paris, PUF, 201 p.
C.R. Straight, H.S. (Ed.) (1994) : Languages Across the Curriculum, Translation Perspectives VII 1994, Invited Essays on the Use of Foreign Languages throughout the Postsecondary Curriculum, Center for Research in Translation, State University of New York at Binghamton, 141 p.
Kiraly, Donald C. (1995) : Pathways to Translation: Pedagogy and Process, Kent (Ohio), The Kent State University Press, 175 p.
Saez Hermosilla, Teodoro (1994) :El sentido de la traducción : reflexión y crítica, León, Universidad, Secretariado de Publicaciones ; Salamanca, Universidad, HOp.
Ministère italien de la culture, Cahiers de la traduction