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- AQUIN, Hubert, Prochain épisode (1965), trans. Penny Williams, Prochain Episode, McClelland and Stewart, 1967.
- AUBERT DE GASPÉ, Philippe, les Anciens Canadiens (1863), trans. G.M. Pennée, The Canadians of Old, Quebec, Desbarats, 1864. Trans. C.G.D. Roberts, The Canadians of Old, New York, Appleton, 1890.
- BARBEAU, Marius, le Rêve de Kamalmouk (1943), Mountain Cloud, Macmillan, 1944.
- BESSETTE, Gérard, le Libraire (1960), trans. Glen Shortliffe, Not For Every Eye, Macmillan, 1962.
- BESSETTE, Gérard, l'Incubation (1965), trans. Glen Shortliffe, Incubation, Macmillan, 1967.
- BLAIS, Marie-Claire, la Belle Bête (1959), trans. Merloyd Lawrence, Mad Shadows, McClelland and Stewart, 1960.
- BLAIS, Marie-Claire, Tête Blanche (1960), trans. Charles Pullman, Tête-Blanche, McClelland and Stewart, 1961.
- BLAIS, Marie-Claire, le Jour est noir (1962), trans. Derek Coliman, The Day is Dark, Parrar, Strauss and Giroux, 1967.
- BLAIS, Marie-Claire, Une saison dans la vie d'Emmanuel (1965), trans. D. Coltman, A Season in the Life of Emmanuel, Parrar, Strauss and Giroux, 1966.
- CONAN, Laure, A l'œuvre et à l'épreuve (1891), The Master Motive, St. Louis, Herder, 1909.
- DUCHARME, Réjean, l'Avalée des avalés (1966), trans. Barbara Bray, The Swallower Swallowed, London, Hamish Hamilton, 1968.
- ELIE, Robert, la Fin des songes (1950), trans. Irene Coffin, Farewell My Dreams, Ryerson, 1954.
- FRECHETTE, Louis, le Noël au Canada (1900), trans. C.G.D. Roberts, Christmas in French Canada, Toronto, 1900.
- FRANCE, Claire, les Enfants qui s'aiment (1956), trans. Antonia White, Children in Love, London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1959.
- GIGUÈRE, Diane, le Temps des jeux (1961), trans. Peter Green, Innocence, McClelland and Stewart, 1966.
- GIGUÈRE, Diane, l'Eau est profonde (1965), Whirlpool, McClelland and Stewart, 1966.
- GODBOUT, Jacques, le Couteau sur la table (1965), trans. Penny Williams, Knife on the Table, McClelland and Stewart, 1967.
- GUÈVREMONT, Germaine, le Survenant (1945), trans. Eric Sutton, The Outlander, Toronto, McGraw-Hill, 1950.
- GUÈVREMONT, Germaine, Marie-Didace (1947), Monk's Reach, London, Evans Bros., 1950.
- HARVEY, Jean-Charles, les Demi-civilisés (1929), trans. Lukin Barrette, Sackcloth for Banner, Macmillan, 1932.
- HÉBERT, Jacques, les Ecœurants (1966), trans. Gerald Taaffe, The Temple on the River, Montreal, Harvest House, 1967.
- HÉMON, Louis, Maria Chapdelaine (1916), trans. W.H. Blake, Maria Chapdelaine, Macmillan, 1921. Trans. Andrew McPhail, Maria Chapdelaine, Montreal, Chapman, 1921.
- JASMIN, Claude, Ethel et le terroriste (1964), trans. David Walker, Ethel and the Terrorist, Montreal, Harvest House, 1965.
- LANGEVIN, André, Poussière sur la ville (1953), trans. John Latrebe and Robert Gottlieb, Dust Over the City, McClelland and Stewart, 1955.
- LEMELIN, Roger, Au pied de la pente douce (1944), trans. S. Putnam, The Town Below, New York, Reynal and Hitchcock, 1948; NCL *, 1961.
- LEMELIN, Roger, LesPlouffes (1948), trans. Mary Finch, The Plouffe Family, McClelland and Stewart, 1950.
- LEMELIN, Roger, Pierre le magnifique (1952), trans. Harry Lome Binsse, In Quest of Splendour, McClelland and Stewart, 1955.
- RINGUET, Trente arpents (1938), trans. Felix and Dorothea Walter, Thirty Acres, Macmillan, 1940; NCL, 1960.
- RIVARD, Adjutor, Chez nous (1914), trans. W.H. Blake, Our Old Quebec Home, McClelland and Stewart, 1924.
- ROY, Gabrielle, Bonheur d'occasion (1945), trans. Hannah Josephson, The Tin Flute, McClelland and Stewart, 1958; NCL, 1958.
- ROY, Gabrielle, la Petite poule d'eau (1950), trans. Harry Binsse, Where Nests the Water Hen, New York, Harcourt Brace, 1951; NCL, 1961.
- ROY, Gabrielle, Alexandre Chenevert (1954), trans. Harry Binsse, The Cashier, McClelland and Stewart, 1955; NCL, 1963.
- ROY, Gabrielle, Rue Deschambault (1955), trans. Harry Binsse, Street of Riches, McClelland and Stewart, 1957; NCL.
- ROY, Gabrielle, la Montagne secrète (1961), trans. Harry Binsse, The Hidden Mountain, McClelland and Stewart, 1962.
- ROY, Gabrielle, la Route d'Altamont (1966), trans. Joyce Marshall, The Road Past Altamont, McClelland and Stewart, 1967.
- SAVARD, Félix-Antoine, Menaud, maitre-draveur (1937), The Boss of the River, Ryerson, 1947.
- THÉRJAULT, Yves, Agaguk (1958), trans. Miriam Chapin, Agaguk, Ryerson, 1963.
- THÉRJAULT, Yves, Ashini (1961), Ashini, Ryerson.
- AUBRY, Claude, The Magic Fiddler and Other Legends of French Canada, Peter Martin Associates, 1968.
- BARBEAU, Marius, " Selections ", trans. Michael Hornyanski, The Golden Phoenix, Oxford, 1960.
- DARIOS, Louise, Contes étranges du Canada (1962), trans. Philippa C. Gerry, Strange Tales of Canada, Ryerson, 1965.
- NANTEL, Adolphe, A la hache (1932), trans. B.K. Sandwell, A Saga of Lac Clair, privately printed, Montreal, 1937.
- TACHÉ, Joseph-Charles, " Selection ", trans. W.C. Woods, The Isle of the Massacre, Toronto, Publishers Syndicate Ltd., 1901.
- GARNEAU, Saint-Denys, from Poésies complètes (1949), trans. Jean Beaupré and Gail Turnbull, Nine Poems, Contact Press, 1953.
- GARNEAU, Saint-Denys, From Poésies complètes (1949), trans. F.R. Scott, Saint-Denys Garneau and Anne Hébert, Vancouver, Klanak Press, 1962.
- GIGUÈRE, Roland, from les Armes blanches and Amérique française (1954), trans. J. Beaupré and Gail Turnbull, Eight Poems, Contact Press, 1955.
- HÉBERT, Anne, le Tombeau des rois (1953), trans. F.R. Scott, Saint-Denys Garneau and Anne Hébert, Vancouver, Klanak Press, 1962.
- RENAULT, Gilles, le Théâtre en plein air and Totems (1953), trans. J. Beaupré and Gail Turnbull, Seven Poems, Contact Press, 1953.
- LAPOINTE, Paul-Marie, poèmes inédits, trans. J. Beaupré and G. Turnbull, Six Poems, Contact Press, 1953.
- NELLIGAN, Emile, from Poésies complètes, trans. P.E. Widdows, Selected Poems, Ryerson, 1960.
- DUDEK, Louis, Ed., Poetry of our Time, Macmillan, 1965. (Poems by Saint-Denys Garneau, Alain Grandbois, Anne Hébert, Gilles Vigneault, J.-G. Pilon.)
- MARION, Séraphin, Ed., The Quebec Tradition; An Anthology of French-Canadian Prose and Verse, trans. Watson Kirkconnell, Ed. Lumen, 1948.
- GLASSCO, John, Ed. and Trans. An Anthology of French Canadian Poetry In Translation (working title), Oxford.
- ROY, George Ross, Ed. and Trans. Twelve Modern French Canadian Poets, Ryerson, 1959. IV. Drama
- GÉLINAS, Gratien, Tit-Coq (1950), trans. Kenneth Johnstone and Gratien Gélinas, Tit-Coq, Clarke, Irwin.
- GÉLINAS, Gratien, Bousille et les justes (1960), trans. Kenneth Johnstone and Joffre Miville Dechêne, Bousille and the Just, Clarke, Irwin, 1961.
- GÉLINAS, Gratien,Hier les enfants dansaient (1965), trans. Mavor Moore, Yesterday the Children Were Dancing, Clarke, Irwin, 1966.
- BARBEAU, Marius, J'ai vu Québec (1957), trans. Marius Barbeau, / Have Seen Quebec, Macmillan, 1957.
- CHAPUT-ROLLAND, Solange, Chères Ennemies (1963), trans. Gwethalyn Graham, Dear Enemies, Macmillan, 1963.
- CHAPUT-ROLLAND, Solange, Mon pays, Québec ou le Canada ? (1967), My Country, Canada or Quebec ? Macmillan, 1967.
- CLOUTIER, Eugène, le Canada sans passeport (1967), trans. Joyce Marshall, No Passport, Oxford, 1968.
- GARNEAU, Saint-Denys, Journal (1954), trans. John Glassco, Journal, McClelland and Stewart, 1962.
- GRANDBOIS, Alain, Né à Québec (1933), Born in Quebec, Montreal, Palm Publishers, 1964.
- LE MOYNE, Jean, Convergences (1961), trans. Philip Stratford, Convergence, Ryerson, 1966.
- MARIE DE L'INCARNATION, Lettres, trans. Joyce Marshall, Word From New France, Oxford, 1967.
- MARTIN, Claire, Dans un gant de fer (1965) and la Joue droite (1966), trans. Philip Stratford, In an Iron Glove, Ryerson, 1968.
- ROQUEBXUNE, Robert de, Testament de mon enfance (1951), trans. Felix Walter, Testament of My Childhood, University of Toronto Press, 1964.
- TOUGAS, Gérard, Histoire de la littérature canadienne-française, History of French Canadian Literature, Ryerson, 1967.