Le questionnaire Climat relationnel des études à l’Université (CREU) (Genoud, 2008) a été adapté en français et en allemand et intitulé Climat relationnel des études à distance (CRED). Une analyse factorielle confirmatoire (n = 223) soutient la structure du CRED en quatre sous-échelles. D’autres éléments de validité sont fournis par des coefficients de cohérence interne et par la comparaison avec les résultats antérieurs obtenus par Genoud (2008). Toutefois, une faible invariance de mesure entre les échantillons (francophones et germanophones) et des indices d’ajustement parfois insuffisants, en particulier pour la version allemande, invitent à la nuance. La validité de critère est étayée par des liens significatifs positifs entre le sentiment d’auto-efficacité, la persévérance et la qualité perçue du climat relationnel (CRED). Des liens négatifs ont été trouvés entre le CRED et la propension à l’ennui (SBPS). Aucun lien n’apparait entre le climat relationnel et les performances (notes).
Mots-clés :
- climat relationnel,
- instrument de mesure,
- analyse factorielle confirmatoire,
- validité de critère,
- études à distance,
- enseignement supérieur,
- ennui
To provide a tool to measure classroom climate in the specific context of distance learning, the Relational Climate of University Study (CREU ; Genoud, 2008) questionnaire was adapted in French and German. We named it the Relational Climate of Distance Learning (CRED). The four-scale structure of the CRED (and of the CREU) was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis (n=223) and internal consistency analyses. These elements of validity are compared with the previous results obtained by Genoud (2008). However, a weak measurement invariance between the samples (French and German) and sometimes insufficient fit indices, in particular for the German version, call for nuance. Investigation of the psychometric qualities of the CRED was supplemented by criterion validity tests. Consistent with previous work, significant positive medium-sized relationships were found between perceived quality of classroom relational climate (CRED), feelings of self-efficacy, and persistence. No relationship was found with academic performance (i.e. grades).
- relational climate,
- measurement instrument,
- confirmatory factor analysis,
- criterion validity,
- distance learning,
- higher education,
- boredom
O questionário Clima relacional de estudos universitários (CREU ; Genoud, 2008) foi adaptado para francês e alemão e intitulado Clima relacional de estudos à distância (CRED). Uma análise fatorial confirmatória (n=223) apoia a estrutura do CRED em quatro subescalas. Outros elementos de validade são fornecidos pelos coeficientes de consistência interna e pela comparação com resultados anteriores obtidos por Genoud (2008). No entanto, uma baixa invariância de medição entre as amostras (francófona e alemã) e índices de ajustamento por vezes insuficientes, em particular para a versão alemã, convidam a ter em atenção as diferenças mais subtis. A validade do critério é apoiada por relações significativas positivas entre o sentimento de autoeficácia, a perseverança e a qualidade percebida do clima relacional (CRED). Foram encontradas relações negativas entre o CRED e a propensão ao tédio (SBPS). Não aparece nenhuma relação entre o clima relacional e os desempenhos (notas).
Palavras chaves:
- clima relacional,
- instrumento de medida,
- análise fatorial confirmatória,
- validade de critério,
- estudos à distância,
- ensino superior,
- tédio
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