Material Culture Review
Revue de la culture matérielle

Volume 90-91, 2019 Special Issue - Storied Spaces: Renewing Folkloristic Perspectives on Vernacular Architecture Guest-edited by Michael J. Chiarappa and Gabrielle A. Berlinger

Table of contents (13 articles)

Editorial / Éditorial

Guest Editorial / Éditorial Invité


  1. Work, Play, and Performance in the Southern Tobacco Warehouse
  2. Producing Sacred Space in Secular Kitchens: South Asian Immigrant Women’s Hindu Shrines in American Domestic Architecture
  3. Everything but the Car: The Carport as Social Space in Puerto Rican Domestic Architecture
  4. An Architecture of Closeness: The Ross Family Double Farmhouse in St. Mary’s, Nova Scotia
  5. The Crab House on Oyster Creek: Folkloristic Response to Vernacular Landscape and its Environmental Moorings

Research Reports / Rapports de recherche

Interviews and Reflections / Entrevues et réflexions

  1. Robert Blair St. George
  2. Michael Ann Williams
  3. Bernard L. Herman
  4. Gerald L. Pocius
  5. Folklore, Fieldwork, and Vernacular Architecture: Reflections by Henry Glassie

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