Material Culture Review

Volume 73, 2011

Table of contents (11 articles)

Front Matter

  1. Front Matter

Editorial / Éditorial


  1. The Megaphone as Material Culture:: Design, Use and Symbolism in North American Society, 1878-1980
  2. Some Royal Provincial Belt Plates and the Revolutionary War:: Vanguard of British Neo-classicism in America?
  3. “Our Home in Harlow”:: Building an Identity of Place at a Local History Museum
  4. Connecting Through Collecting:: Locating Lacrosse Sticks in Frederick Wilkerson Waugh’s Collection from the Six Nations of the Grand River

Research Report / Essai de compte rondu d'exposition

Exhibition Review / Compte rendu d’exposition

Book Review Essays / Essais sur un compte rendu de livre

Book Review / Compte rendu de livre

Contributors / Auteurs

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