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LAURIE K. BERTRAM received her PhD in history from the University of Toronto in 2010. Her doctoral dissertation employed Arjun Appadurai’s notion of ethnoscapes to understand the perpetuation of cultural identity within the Icelandic-Canadian community, one of the earliest block settler groups in the Canadian West. Her research’s use of material, visual and oral cultural forms and forums previously dismissed as inauthentic, trivial and taboo challenged established notions of cultural loss among Scandinavians and other supposedly "assimilated" white ethnic groups.
THIERRY BONNOT, historien de formation initiale, est chargé de recherche en anthropologie au CNRS (France), membre du laboratoire Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les Enjeux Sociaux (IRIS). Avec Bernard Müller, il anime un séminaire de l’EHESS organisé au Musée du Quai Branly (Paris), intitulé « Mises en scènes et en récits, musées, lieux ».
ROSELINE BOUCHARD est étudiante à la maîtrise en Ethnologie et patrimoine à l’Université Laval, après avoir obtenu un baccalauréat dans la même institution en Sciences historiques et études patrimoniales. Dans le cadre de ses recherches et interventions professionnelles, elle se propose, dans une perspective interdisciplinaire, de répondre à des problématiques historiques, ethnologiques et patrimoniales. Elle travaille, actuellement, pour la Chaire de recherche en patrimoine ethnologique en tant que recherchiste pour l’inventaire du patrimoine immatériel religieux du Québec.
MAURA COUGHLIN received her PhD in the history of modern art from the Institute of Fine Arts at New York University in 2001. Her recent research on visual culture in Brittany is informed by material culture studies, cultural geography, museum studies, postcolonial studies and site-specific contemporary art. The peripheral role of the Breton peninsula in national narratives of French modern art is questioned in this visual culture approach to Brittany’s connectedness to Atlantic trade and culture. In her current book project, The Visual Culture of Loss and Recuperation in France, 1880-1914, social concerns of ecology, memory, mourning and touristic desire intersect with representations and experiences of landscape in the visual culture of death and memory in Brittany. She is currently Assistant Professor of Visual Studies in the Department of English and Cultural Studies at Bryant University in Smithfield, Rhode Island.
JENNIFER S. ESPERANZA is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Beloit College in Beloit, Wisconsin. Her research interests include political economy, consumer culture and tourism. Trained in both socio-cultural and linguistic anthropology, she has conducted fieldwork in Indonesia (Bali), the United States and the Philippines with grants from the Andrew Mellon Foundation, Ford Foundation, the Social Science Research Council and the Rockefeller Foundation.
CÉLIA FORGET Spécialiste des cultures de la mobilité, Célia Forget a réalisé son doctorat en cotutelle à l’Université Laval et à l’Université de Provence en ethnologie sur les full-time RVers, personnes décidant de vivre à plein temps dans des véhicules récréatifs en Amérique du Nord. À travers l’analyse de ce mode de vie, elle dévoile toute une facette de la culture de la mobilité nord-américaine à ce jour encore inexplorée. Aujourd’hui coordonnatrice du projet d’inventaire des ressources ethnologiques du patrimoine ethnologique à l’Université Laval, elle poursuit ses recherches autant dans les domaines de la mobilité que du patrimoine immatériel.
ALEKSANDRA KAMINSKA is a PhD candidate in the Joint York-Ryerson Program in Communication and Culture at York University in Toronto, Canada. She is currently working on her dissertation, which investigates Polish media art practices in relation to a post-socialist development of citizenship. She has published in the International Journal of Art and Technology, Topia and Public. She is a member of the L.O.T. collective and the Visible City Project + Archive in Toronto.
EVA NESSELROTH-WOYZBUN is a PhD candidate in the Joint York-Ryerson Program in Communication and Culture at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada. Her research includes a history of the material culture of early computers and investigations of the growing popularity of nostalgic media. She is a member of the L.O.T. collective in Toronto, which engages in alternative and artistic modes of urban research.
MARCIA OSTASHEWSKI is an active researcher of music, dance, culture and heritage. Her research addresses diverse issues and concepts such as identity, community and heritage—especially with North American Indigenous, as well as Eastern European immigrant and diaspora communities on several continents. Her activities include research, scholarly and popular publications, education, museum curation, university and public programming and collaboration with artists, communities, archives, heritage institutions and universities in diverse regions in Canada and abroad. Marcia Ostashewski currently holds the Fulbright Research Chair in Canadian Studies at the Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington; a Visiting Research Fellowship at the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society, University of Victoria; and a SSHRC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (2010-12) in Heritage and Culture, Cape Breton University.
JUDITH A. RYGIEL, PhD, est professeur adjoint en recherche à l’Université Carleton à Ottawa. Elle est spécialiste en recherche des textiles domestiques du 19e siècle et surtout les textiles et costumes de l’Acadie.
MARIA JOÃO RAMOS P. SILVA is Assistant Professor of English at Beja Polytechnic Higher Institute, Portugal, and a doctoral student of English Culture/Cultural Studies at the University of Lisbon, Faculty of Letters. She has an MA in Cultural Studies from the same university. Her research interests include cultural tourism, industrial heritage, working-class studies, industrial, business and family history and globalization. Her thesis, with the title "Mason and Barry and the construction of the São Domingos Mine: Industry, Tourism, Globalization" deals with issues of representation in mining heritage and focuses on the São Domingos Mine and community (Alentejo, Portugal).
ANNE TOXEY holds a PhD in architectural history from the University of California at Berkeley. She teaches architectural history and historic preservation in the University of Texas system and is the founder and director of the Arc Boutant Historic Preservation Program. This is a preservation field school that conserves French and Italian monuments, including the Sassi of Matera, which is the subject of her research presented here. This is also the topic of her book entitled Materan Contradictions: Architecture, Preservation, and Politics, which is being published by Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.
In addition, Dr. Toxey is a founding principal of Toxey/ McMillan Design Associates, a design-build firm specializing in museum exhibitions. She directs the company and serves as principal investigator.
EMMA WATERTON holds a Lectureship in Social Science, focusing on heritage tourism, at the University of Western Sydney, Australia. She completed her AHRC-funded doctoral research in 2007. In 2006, shortly before submitting her PhD dissertation, she took up an RCUK Academic Fellowship in the area of heritage studies at Keele University, where her research emphasized community heritage, representations of the past and the critical analysis of public policy, especially those tackling social inclusion, multiculturalism and expressions of ‘Britishness’. She is the author of Politics, Policy and the Discourses of Heritage in Britain (Palgrave Macmillan 2010), co-author of Heritage, Communities and Archaeology with Laurajane Smith (Duckworth, 2009) and assistant editor of the International Journal of Heritage Studies.
STEVE WATSON was an assistant director of leisure and tourism in local government before taking up his present post as a Principal Lecturer at York St John University, where he teaches on a variety of tourism and heritage modules. His research interests are in the areas of cultural and heritage tourism and the social, cultural and representational processes by which places are transformed into tourist destinations. He is also concerned with the relationships between heritage and host communities and the nature of the interface between professional practice and community involvement in the formulation and construction of heritage. He has conducted research and published articles in these areas and has recently contributed a chapter on urban heritage tourism to Reflections on Europe in Transition, published by Peter Lang, New York. He has also co-edited (with Emma Waterton) Culture, Heritage and Representations (Ashgate, 2010).