Volume 4, 1985
Table of contents (14 articles)
Acknowledgements / Remerciements
Preface / Préface
Vital Forces and Vital Laws in Eighteenth-Century French Physiology
Matter, Mind and Active Principles in Mid Eighteenth-Century British Physiology
Thomas Reid's Critique of Joseph Priestley: Context and Chronology
Natural Law and the Scottish Enlightenment
Reid and the Rights of Man
Women, Allegory and the French Revolution: The Case of Armed Liberty
The Rhetoric of Grace in Jonathan Edwards' Personal Narrative
La vie intellectuelle et les activités culturelles à la forteresse de Louisbourg 1713-1758
The Art of Medicine in Pre-Loyalist New Brunswick
'To Keep Them in Proper Subjection': Jeffrey Amherst and the Indians
Shakespeare and Eighteenth-Century German Poetics
'This Pestiferous Reading': The Social Basis of Reaction Against The Novel in Late Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Century Britain