Volume 19, 2000 Material Productions & Cultural Construction Culture matérielle & Constructions discursives
Table of contents (18 articles)
Preface / Préface
A Tribute to / Hommage à
La plume et les Lumières : le manuscrit, outil de progrès
The Cultural Historian and the Garden
Savoirs et Saveurs
Tous les Savoirs du Monde
Musical Nationalism and the Vauxhall Gardens
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing's Samuel Henzi: the non-fragmentary status of the text
The International Impact of Lessing's Nathan the Wise
Rousseau and Werther, in Search of a Sympathetic Soul
Sarah Harriet Burney: Traits of Nature and Families
Bonheur et Vie matérielle d’après le Tableau de Paris de Louis-Sébastien Mercier
1792: Myths and Realities of the Nation-in-Arms
'No Party favour'd, no Designs in view' : Female Rakes and Heroes, Politics and Power in Delarivier Manley's Heroic Drama
Editing Jane: Austen's Juvenilia in the Classroom
Thomas Walker's Ear: Political Legitimacy in Post-Conquest Quebec
'Do you understand muslins, Sir?': the Circulation of Ball Dresses in Evelina and Northanger Abbey
Canada's First Suburb: Transplanting the Villa to Early Québec