Volume 14, 1995
Table of contents (13 articles)
Preface / Préface
Did the Scottish Enlightenment Emerge in an English Cultural Province?
Bondage and Slavery in Eighteenth-century Poetry by Women
Tales of Morality and Immorality: Eighteenth-Century Society as Depicted in the Italian Comic Libretto
Gender Inversions in Haywood's The Distress'd Orphan, or, Love in a Mad-house
Berkeley and the University
Proverbs and the Language of Control in Clarissa
Food for Thought in Rousseau's Emile
Mme Riccoboni: 'philosophe parvenue'
Adèle de Sénange (1794) et sa réception
'Altered, improved, copied, abridged': Alexandre d'Arblay's Revisions to Burney's Edwy and Elgiva
Revolution and Counter-Revolution in the Plays of M. G. Lewis
Fathers as Monsters of Deceit: Robinson's Domestic Criticism in The False Friend