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Niergarth, Kirk. "Memorial of War, Memorial of Hope: Contemplating the creation, destruction, and re-creation of Fred Ross’ mural The Destruction of War / Rebuilding the World Through Education, 1948, 1954, and 2011." Labour / Le Travail, volume 72, fall 2013, p. 149–176.
Niergarth, K. (2013). Memorial of War, Memorial of Hope: Contemplating the creation, destruction, and re-creation of Fred Ross’ mural The Destruction of War / Rebuilding the World Through Education, 1948, 1954, and 2011. Labour / Le Travail, 72, 149–176.
- Chicago
Niergarth, Kirk "Memorial of War, Memorial of Hope: Contemplating the creation, destruction, and re-creation of Fred Ross’ mural The Destruction of War / Rebuilding the World Through Education, 1948, 1954, and 2011". Labour / Le Travail 72, (2013) : 149–176.
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