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Dunae, Patrick A., et al. "Dwelling Places and Social Spaces: Revealing the Environments of Urban Workers in Victoria Using Historical GIS." Labour / Le Travail, volume 72, fall 2013, p. 37–74.
Dunae, P. A., Lafreniere, D. J., Gilliland, J. A. & Lutz, J. S. (2013). Dwelling Places and Social Spaces: Revealing the Environments of Urban Workers in Victoria Using Historical GIS. Labour / Le Travail, 72, 37–74.
- Chicago
Dunae, Patrick A., Lafreniere, Donald J., Gilliland, Jason A. and Lutz, John S. "Dwelling Places and Social Spaces: Revealing the Environments of Urban Workers in Victoria Using Historical GIS". Labour / Le Travail 72, (2013) : 37–74.
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