Journal of Canadian Labour Studies
Le Travail
Revue d’Études Ouvrières Canadiennes

Volume 69, Spring 2012

Table of contents (10 articles)

Front Matter

  1. Front Matter

Contributors / Collaborateurs


  1. “Cracking the Stone”: The Long History of Capitalist Crisis and Toronto’s Dispossessed, 1830–1930
  2. Japanese-Canadian Internally Displaced Persons: Labour Relations and Ethno-Religious Identity in Southern Alberta, 1942–1953
  3. The Elliot Lake Uranium Miners’ Battle to Gain Occupational Health and Safety Improvements, 1950–1980
  4. In a Pinch: Snow Crab and the Politics of Crisis in Newfoundland
  5. When Sex is Work: Organizing for Labour Rights and Protections

Review Essays / Notes Critiques

Reviews / Comptes rendus


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