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Wilson, J. D. ""The police beat them up just to keep warm": A Finnish-Canadian Communist Comments on Environmental Depredation and Capitalist Exploitation in Early 20th-Century British Columbia." Labour/Le Travailleur, volume 44, 1999, p. 191–202.
Wilson, J. D. (1999). "The police beat them up just to keep warm": A Finnish-Canadian Communist Comments on Environmental Depredation and Capitalist Exploitation in Early 20th-Century British Columbia. Labour/Le Travailleur, 44, 191–202.
- Chicago
Wilson, J. D. ""The police beat them up just to keep warm": A Finnish-Canadian Communist Comments on Environmental Depredation and Capitalist Exploitation in Early 20th-Century British Columbia". Labour/Le Travailleur 44, (1999) : 191–202.
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