Labour/Le Travailleur

Volume 31, 1993

Table of contents (25 articles)

Editor's Note / Note du Directeur

Committee On Canadian Labour History / Comité d'histoire de travailleurs Canadiens

Contributors / Collaborateurs


  1. Farm Households and Wage Labour in the Northeastern Maritimes in the Early 19th Century
  2. Defending "The Art Preservative": Class and Gender Relations in the Printing Trades Unions, 1850-1914
  3. From Subordinate Partners to Dependent Employees: State Regulation of Public School Teachers in Nineteenth-Century British Columbia
  4. Women and Income Security in the Post-War Period: The Case of Unemployment Insurance, 1945-1962
  5. The Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN), the Idea of Independence, and the Sovereigntist Movement, 1960-1980

Research Reports / Notes de Recherche



  1. With Our Own Hands: Margaret Fairley and the 'Real Makers' of Canada

Teaching Labour History / L'Enseignement de L'Histoire des Travailleurs et des Travailleuses

Review Essays / Notes critiques

Review Essays / Notes Critiques

Reviews / Comptes Rendus

Book Notes / Références Bibliographiques

Notebook / Carnet

  1. Notebook / Carnet

Abstract / Résumés


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