Labour/Le Travailleur

Volume 23, 1989

Table of contents (20 articles)

Contributors / Collaborateurs


  1. Frontier Labourers, Crafts in Crisis and the Western Labour Revolt: The Case of Vancouver, 1900-1919
  2. Solidarity on Occasion: The Vancouver Free Speech Fights of 1909 and 1912
  3. British Columbia Loggers and the Lumber Workers Industrial Union, 1919-1922
  4. The Language of Agrarianism in Manitoba, 1890-1925
  5. La Population Syndiquée au Québe


  1. Rough Work and Rugged Men: The Social Construction of Masculinity in Working-Class History

Research Reports / Notes de Recherche

  1. The First National Unemployment Survey: Unemployment and the Canadian Census of 1891
  2. Maritime Labour and Crew list Analysis: Problems, Prospects, and Methodologies.


  1. Images of Industrial Life and Organizing

Review Essays / Notes Critiques

  1. Work, Workers and Working-Class History: A Review Essay
  2. Business History and the Buried Treasures of the Theory of Value
  3. Exorcising Exceptionalism
  4. What Was So Great About Herbert Gutman?
  5. The New Populism

Reviews / Comptes Rendus

Book Notes / Références Bibliographiques

Notebook / Carnet

  1. Notebook / Carnet

Abstracts / Resumes

  1. Abstracts / Resumes


  1. Index

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