![Cover fortheVolume 94, Fall 2024](/en/journals/llt/2024-v94-llt09771/coverpage.jpg 135w)
Volume 4, 1979
Table of contents (23 articles)
Editor's Note / Note Du Directeur
Contributors / Collaborateurs
Obituary / Nécrologie
The Canadian Industrial Relations System: Some Formative Factors
The Nine Hour Pioneers: The Genesis of the Canadian Labour Movement
Montreal's King of Italian Labour: A Case Study of Padronism
The Emergence of the Socialist Movement in the Maritimes, 1899-1916
The Toronto District Labour Council and Independant Political Action: Factionalism and Frustration, 1900-1921
The Girl of the New Day: Canadian Working Women in the 1920s
King and Context: A Reply to Whitaker
Documents / Notes de Recherche
Review Essays / Notes Critiques
Reviews / Comptes Rendus
Bercuson, Fools and Wisemen
Read and Hann, The Great War and Canadian Society
Come Hell or High Water: Songs of the Buchans Miners
Walkowitz, Worker City, Company Town
Griffen and Griffen, Natives and Newcomers
Gilbert, Work Without Salvation and Rogers, The Work Ethic in Industrial America, 1850-1920
Chandler, The Visible Hand
Garson, Worker Self-Management in Industry
Roth, L'aliro movimento operaio: Storia della repressione capitalistica in Germania dal 1880 a oggi