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Brodin, Pierre. "Miss McIntosh, my darling / Marguerite Young, Miss McIntosh, My Darling, New York, Scribners, 1965, 1198 p." Liberté, volume 8, number 1 (43), january–february 1966, p. 72–76.
Brodin, P. (1966). Review of [Miss McIntosh, my darling / Marguerite Young, Miss McIntosh, My Darling, New York, Scribners, 1965, 1198 p.] Liberté, 8(1), 72–76.
- Chicago
Brodin, Pierre "Miss McIntosh, my darling / Marguerite Young, Miss McIntosh, My Darling, New York, Scribners, 1965, 1198 p.". Liberté 8, no. 1 (1966) : 72–76.
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