The "new wars" of the post-Cold War period pose unique challengesfor conflict resolution. Frequently, the international community hastried to manage these conflicts using fairly ad hoc and uncoordinatedapproaches that, while suited to traditional interstate disputes,are largely ineffective in the deconstructed settings of contemporaryinternal wars. In this article I attempt to construct an alternativeframework for international mediation that could act as a generalguide for policy makers. An examination of the Mozambique peaceprocess reveals an important set of lessons. First, non-official mediators– NGOs, churches, prominent individuals – need to be mainstreamedinto diplomatic initiatives, particularly in partnership withinsider-mediators. Second, there are key roles for mediators in thepre-negotiation phase, such as negotiator training of the rebel representativeswho may be inexperienced in diplomatic bargaining.Third, mediation initiatives should be coordinated and sequenced toavoid the frequent problem of mediator "crowdedness." Fourth,high-ranking and powerful third parties like heads of state should beused as impasse-breakers. Fifth, a wide range of technical experts –in the military, constitutional, electoral, economic developmentfields – need to be included in the agreement design phase of themediation. Lastly, there needs to be long-term engagement into theimplementation and post-conflict reconstruction phases. It is at thispoint that mediators are most needed, and yet frequently – as in theMiddle East – it is at this stage that they are most often absent.