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Davies, Philip. "Arbel, David, and Ran Edelist. Western Intelligence and the Collapse of the Soviet Union, 1980-1990: Ten Years That Did Not Shake the World. London: Frank Cass, 2003." Journal of Conflict Studies, volume 24, number 1, summer 2004, p. 147–149.
Davies, P. (2004). Review of [Arbel, David, and Ran Edelist. Western Intelligence and the Collapse of the Soviet Union, 1980-1990: Ten Years That Did Not Shake the World. London: Frank Cass, 2003.] Journal of Conflict Studies, 24(1), 147–149.
- Chicago
Davies, Philip "Arbel, David, and Ran Edelist. Western Intelligence and the Collapse of the Soviet Union, 1980-1990: Ten Years That Did Not Shake the World. London: Frank Cass, 2003.". Journal of Conflict Studies 24, no. 1 (2004) : 147–149.
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