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O'Brien, Jasonne G. "Coppieters, Bruno, and Nick Fotion, eds. Moral Constraints on War: Principles and Cases. Lanham MD, Boulder CO, New York and Oxford: Lexington, 2002." Journal of Conflict Studies, volume 23, number 2, winter 2003, p. 164–165.
O'Brien, J. G. (2003). Review of [Coppieters, Bruno, and Nick Fotion, eds. Moral Constraints on War: Principles and Cases. Lanham MD, Boulder CO, New York and Oxford: Lexington, 2002.] Journal of Conflict Studies, 23(2), 164–165.
- Chicago
O'Brien, Jasonne G. "Coppieters, Bruno, and Nick Fotion, eds. Moral Constraints on War: Principles and Cases. Lanham MD, Boulder CO, New York and Oxford: Lexington, 2002.". Journal of Conflict Studies 23, no. 2 (2003) : 164–165.
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