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Mills, Kurt. "Rotberg, Robert I., and Thomas G. Weiss, eds. From Massacres to Genocide: The Media, Public Policy, and Humanitarian Crises. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution and World Peace Foundation, 1996." Journal of Conflict Studies, volume 17, number 2, fall 1997, p. 177–180.
Mills, K. (1997). Review of [Rotberg, Robert I., and Thomas G. Weiss, eds. From Massacres to Genocide: The Media, Public Policy, and Humanitarian Crises. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution and World Peace Foundation, 1996.] Journal of Conflict Studies, 17(2), 177–180.
- Chicago
Mills, Kurt "Rotberg, Robert I., and Thomas G. Weiss, eds. From Massacres to Genocide: The Media, Public Policy, and Humanitarian Crises. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution and World Peace Foundation, 1996.". Journal of Conflict Studies 17, no. 2 (1997) : 177–180.
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