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Ashworth, Lucian M. "Tjokropranolo. General Sudirman. The Leader Who Finally Destroyed Colonialism in Indonesia. Translated by Libby Krahling, Bert Jordan and Steve Dawson. Canberra: Australian Defence Studies Centre, 1995." Journal of Conflict Studies, volume 16, number 2, fall 1996, p. 137–138.
Ashworth, L. M. (1996). Review of [Tjokropranolo. General Sudirman. The Leader Who Finally Destroyed Colonialism in Indonesia. Translated by Libby Krahling, Bert Jordan and Steve Dawson. Canberra: Australian Defence Studies Centre, 1995.] Journal of Conflict Studies, 16(2), 137–138.
- Chicago
Ashworth, Lucian M. "Tjokropranolo. General Sudirman. The Leader Who Finally Destroyed Colonialism in Indonesia. Translated by Libby Krahling, Bert Jordan and Steve Dawson. Canberra: Australian Defence Studies Centre, 1995.". Journal of Conflict Studies 16, no. 2 (1996) : 137–138.
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