This qualitative study examines the communication and language supports available for children in educational environments. By doing this, it also examines the support provided by adults in educational settings for the participation of children with disabilities in educational decision making and the facilitating factors and barriers in children’s participation. This study was conducted with 11 participants, including six teachers, one parent, and four children. The data was analyzed using thematic analysis and the results of the analysis revealed four themes. The outcomes of this research emphasize the impact of varied multidimensional factors involving the individual and their proximal environment.
- communication support,
- participation,
- decision-making,
- disability
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Biographical note
Eda Yeşilkaya Bennett is an assistant professor in the Department of Special Education, Gazi University, Turkey. Her research focuses on children, young people who have special educational needs, their families, and related stakeholders with the aim to develop training and support programs to create a positive change in perspectives in the field of disability studies. Email: edayesilkaya@gazi.edu.tr
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