Editor's Comments

Learn to Fly. Together[Record]

  • Wanda Wuttunee

…more information

  • Wanda Wuttunee

Greetings and Welcome!! We are so excited to help you Learn to Fly. Together. This is the first online issue for our journal. I want to share a bit of our journey with you and acknowledge all of the people who have contributed to this wonderful event. But first, I would like to encourage you to dig into the stories that are shared in this issue. JAED editorial board members and staff are dedicated to your success – in your family, your community and our place in Canada. Are you looking to enter the procurement arena? We have some ideas and resources that might help. Of course, Cando is very active in supporting these endeavours. There are stories of political and business leaders, that are inspiring to say the least. It doesn’t matter if your community is remote and northern, if your leadership has vision and an action plan they are working on every day to improve their community’s situation. Challenges and strategies to overcome them as well as embracing new ideas and technologies are shared in the Lessons from Experience section. Are you curious about sustainable energy and its benefits or what the profile of northern businesses in the Yukon might be? You’ll find that information in the Lessons from Research section. If you are curious about Indigenous economics, and how that differs from mainstream economics, you’ll enjoy the book review. We want to share the good news that is regularly published in this journal with as many people as possible. Moving to an online version will help us do that better. The journey started in December 2022 with support from both the JAED editorial board and Cando board members, who share this vision. I led this process and was thrust headlong into the world of Open Access. One of the many things I like about it, is the focus on accessibility of knowledge and information with everyone. My thanks and gratitude for all the help I have received is truly heartfelt. I think of the teams at Engaged Scholars Journal, Coalition Publica, Érudit and University of Alberta Library Publishing who came alongside me wholeheartedly. Svetlana is so awesome and Ray is a wonderful support. Our Journal Managing Editor, Penny Sanz is a blessing and Carleigh Brady, Copy Editor has done outstanding work. Many thanks to section editors John and David and to our new Podcasting Editor, Warren. Thanks Drew for the inspired logo. You can tell that it took a village to get to this happy day and these are my village people.