Diego Bastianutti’s poetry is part of a cathartic process of coming to terms with his exile from Fiume during the Julian-Dalmatian exodus immediately following the Second World War. This article analyzes Bastianutti’s poetry, focusing on his process of coming to terms with his exile and his multi-layered cultural identity. His self-identification as mestizo, a Spanish term usually used to describe someone of mixed Spanish and Indigenous descent, and then as an antevasin, a Sanskrit term for a border-dweller, emerge as solutions to, or rationalizations for, the problem of the pain Bastianutti wrestles with as a result of his exile, displacement, and emigration.
- identity,
- mestizo,
- exile,
- displacement,
- diaspora,
- Italian-Canadian literature,
- Fiuman literature,
- Julian-Dalmatian literature
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