Sensing and Detection Technology is a core course in engineering specialties. Traditional sensor teaching methods have obvious deficiencies in cultivating students’ ability. To better foster students’ comprehensive qualities, this study explored a 4D1P (Four Dimensions and One Penetration) teaching mode. We independently developed an industrial sensor teaching platform with intellectual property rights, integrating classroom and sensor experiments to address the disconnection between traditional sensor teaching and practical application. This mode combined the teaching platform with SPOC (small private online courses) and Rain Classroom teaching software, enriching classroom teaching and stimulating students’ interest. By applying industry-academia-research integration to sensor teaching, students’ horizons were broadened and their creative thinking enriched. The mode set up discussion-based learning in the classroom, making the class atmosphere lively. Throughout the teaching process, data-driven learning and teaching evaluation were consistently applied, allowing teachers to promptly understand students’ learning situations. Data shows that under the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, students’ grades improved and they were satisfied with this teaching mode. This mode solves most current problems in university classroom teaching and significantly enhances students’ practical abilities. It also has certain significance for education in other disciplines.
- blended teaching and learning,
- sensor teaching platform,
- integration of industry-university and research,
- student-centered learning,
- 4D1P
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