Artificial intelligence (AI) revolutionizes education by fundamentally altering the methods of teaching and processes of learning. Given such circumstances, it is essential to take into account the mental and psychological well-being of teachers as the architects of education. This research investigated the links between teacher immunity (TI), work passion (WP), job satisfaction (JS), occupational well-being (OW-B) and psychological well-being (PW-B) in the context of AI-assisted language learning. In order to achieve this objective, 392 Iranian teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL) were given the Language Teacher Immunity Instrument, the Work Passion Scale, the Job Satisfaction Questionnaire, the Occupational Well-Being Scale, and the Psychological Well-Being at Work Scale. By using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling, the study identified and quantified the impacts of TI, WP, JS, OW-B, and PW-B via data screening. The findings emphasize the crucial role that TI and WP play in providing a balance in teachers’ JS, OW-B, and PW-B while applying AI in their language instruction. The broad ramifications of this research are explored.
- AI-assisted language teaching,
- teacher productive immunity,
- work passion,
- job satisfaction,
- occupational success,
- psychological well-being,
- EFL teacher
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