Artificial intelligence (AI) has undergone considerable advancement in the contemporary period and represents an emerging technology in higher education. Cultural contexts significantly shape individuals’ perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors, particularly in the realm of technology acceptance. By adopting a cross-cultural lens, this research explores the potential variations across Chinese and international students from diverse countries in terms of attitudes and their behavioral intentions toward AI use. With a technology acceptance model (TAM) framework, the research used a survey approach, employing questionnaires as the primary means of data collection. The data were then analyzed through structural equation modeling and descriptive statistics. A substantial discrepancy was found in the prevalence, attitudes, and behavioral intentions toward AI use between Chinese and international students. Findings further revealed a stronger effect of perceived ease of use on both attitudes and behavioral intentions among international students compared with their Chinese counterparts. Findings suggest that cultural backgrounds and prior technological exposure play intricate roles in shaping perceptions of AI technology. The study emphasizes the need for tailored educational strategies to regulate diverse cultural perspectives, provide language-specific support, and ensure user-friendly interfaces. These insights contribute to the evolving discourse on technology acceptance in higher education and offer practical implications for educators and institutions toward optimizing AI integration in pedagogical practices.
- artificial intelligence,
- higher education,
- technology acceptance model,
- attitudes,
- behavioral intentions
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