As blended learning moved toward a new phase during the COVID-19 pandemic, advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technology provided opportunities to develop more diverse and dynamic blended learning. This systematic review focused on publications related to the use of AI applications in blended learning. The original studies from January 2007 to October 2023 were extracted from the Google Scholar, ERIC, and Web of Science databases. Finally, 30 empirical studies under the inclusion criteria were reviewed based on two conceptual frameworks: four key challenges of blended learning and three roles of AI. We found that AI applications have been used mainly for the online asynchronous individual learning component in blended learning; little work has been conducted on AI applications that help connect online activities with classroom-based offline activities. Many studies have identified the role of AI as a direct mediator to help control flexibility and autonomy of students in blended learning. However, abundant studies have also identified AI as a supplementary assistant using advanced learning analytics technologies that promote effective interactions with students and facilitate the learning process. Finally, the fewest number of studies have explored the role of AI as a new subject such as use as pedagogical agents or robots. Considering the advancements of generative AI technologies, we expect more research on AI in blended learning. The findings of this study suggested that future studies should guide teachers and their smart AI partner to implement blended learning more effectively.
- blended learning,
- artificial intelligence,
- systematic review,
- AI in education
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