High dropout rates have been an unsolved issue in massive open online courses (MOOCs). As perceived effectiveness predicts learner retention in MOOCs, instructional design factors that affect it have been increasingly examined. However, self-regulated learning, self-efficacy, and task value have been underestimated from the perspective of instructors even though they are important instructional design considerations for MOOCs. This study investigated the influence of self-regulated learning strategies, self-efficacy, and task value on perceived effectiveness of successful MOOC learners. Three hundred fifty-three learners who successfully completed the Mountain 101 MOOC participated in this study by completing a survey through e-mail. The results of stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that perceived effectiveness was significantly predicted by both self-regulated learning strategies and task value. In addition, the results of another stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that meta-cognitive activities after learning, environmental structuring, and time management significantly predicted perceived effectiveness.
- self-regulated learning,
- self-efficacy,
- task value,
- MOOCs,
- perceived effectiveness
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