International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning

Volume 18, Number 3, May 2017

Table of contents (14 articles)


Research Articles

  1. Employing the EPEC Hierarchy of Conditions (Version II) To Evaluate the Effectiveness of Using Synchronous Technologies with Multi-Location Student Cohorts in the Tertiary Education Setting
  2. The Online Student Connectedness Survey: Evidence of Initial Construct Validity
  3. Improving the K-12 Online Course Design Review Process: Experts Weigh in on iNACOL National Standards for Quality Online Courses
  4. Talent Management Implementation at an Open Distance E-Learning Higher Educational Institution: The Views of Senior Line Managers
  5. Designing and Improving a Blended Synchronous Learning Environment: An Educational Design Research
  6. Understanding Learners’ Motivation and Learning Strategies in MOOCs
  7. Approaches Reflected in Academic Writing MOOCs

Book Notes

Notes From Leadership in Open and Distance Learning

  1. Leadership Notes: Editorial
  2. Moving Technology-Enhanced-Learning Forward: Bridging Divides through Leadership
  3. Adaptive or Transactional Leadership in Current Higher Education: A Brief Comparison


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