International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning

Volume 16, Number 5, September 2015 Special Issue: OER and MOOCs

Table of contents (10 articles)


Research Articles

  1. Developing a Sustainable Financial Model in Higher Education for Open Educational Resources
  2. Not All Rubrics Are Equal: A Review of Rubrics for Evaluating the Quality of Open Educational Resources
  3. OER Quality and Adaptation in K-12: Comparing Teacher Evaluations of Copyright-Restricted, Open, and Open/Adapted Textbooks
  4. Evaluation Criteria for Interactive E-Books for Open and Distance Learning
  5. In Search of Quality: Using Quality Matters to Analyze the Quality of Massive, Open, Online Courses (MOOCs)
  6. Effectiveness of Integrating MOOCs in Traditional Classrooms for Undergraduate Students
  7. Examining Value Change in MOOCs in the Scope of Connectivism and Open Educational Resources Movement
  8. Public Response to “the MOOC Movement” in China: Examining the Time Series of Microblogging
  9. Open Educational Resources in Canada 2015


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