International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning

Volume 14, Number 4, September 2013

Table of contents (17 articles)


Research Articles

  1. Distance and E-Learning, Social Justice, and Development: The Relevance of Capability Approaches to the Mission of Open Universities
  2. The Extent of and Reasons for Non Re-Enrollment: A Case of Korea National Open University
  3. The Adoption of Open Educational Resources by One Community College Math Department
  4. Making Distance Visible: Assembling Nearness in an Online Distance Learning Programme
  5. Evaluation of the Vocational Education Orientation Programme (VEOP) at a University in South Africa
  6. Measuring Use and Creation of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education
  7. Comparison of Course Completion and Student Performance through Online and Traditional Courses
  8. Mobile App Design for Teaching and Learning: Educators’ Experiences in an Online Graduate Course
  9. Learning in a Small, Task–Oriented, Connectivist MOOC: Pedagogical Issues and Implications for Higher Education
  10. Virtual Worlds: Relationship Between Real Life and Experience in Second Life
  11. The Influence of E-Learning on Individual and Collective Empowerment in the Public Sector: An Empirical Study of Korean Government Employees
  12. OERScout Technology Framework: A Novel Approach to Open Educational Resources Search
  13. Power Distance in Online Learning: Experience of Chinese Learners in U.S. Higher Education
  14. Assessment of the Effectiveness of Internet-Based Distance Learning through the VClass e-Education Platform

Notes From Leadership in Open and Distance Learning

  1. Editorial – Leadership in Open and Distance Learning Notes
  2. Leader-Member Exchange Theory in Higher and Distance Education


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