International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning

Volume 4, Number 2, October 2003

Table of contents (27 articles)


Research Articles

  1. On the Concepts of Usability and Reusability of Learning Objects
  2. From Cognitive Landscapes to Digital Hyperscapes
  3. Reviewer Commentary Biddara and Dias' From Cognitive Landscapes to Digital Hyperscapes
  4. Authors' Response to Van Petegem
  5. Reviewer Commentary to Biddara and Dias' From Cognitive Landscapes to Digital Hyperscapes
  6. Authors' Response to Litto
  7. Conceptual Integration in Online Interdisciplinary Study: Current Perspective, Theories, and Implications for Future Research
  8. Differences Between Traditional and Distance Education Academic Performances: A Meta-Analytic Approach
  9. The Personalized System of Instruction: Review and Applications to Distance Education
  10. An E-Learning Experience: A written analysis based on my experience with primary school teachers in an e-Learning pilot project
  11. Critical Success Factors in The Infusion of Instructional Technologies for Open Learning in Development Settings: The case of the University of Botswana
  12. Getting the Mix Right Again: An Updated and Theoretical Rationale for Interaction
  13. Computer-Mediated Communication: A vehicle for learning

Research Notes

  1. Second Language Acquisition Theories as a Framework for Creating Distance Learning Courses
  2. Investigating Triggers in CMC Text Transcripts
  3. Development of a Defence Learning Network for the Canadian Department of National Defense

Book Notes

Technical Notes

  1. 21. 100 Collaborative Products and their Uses
  2. 22. Online Polling as a Collaborative Tool
  3. 23. Best Practices in Online Polling
  4. 24. OS Software: an alternative to costly Learning Management Systems
  5. 25. Open Source Software: Two Learning Management Systems


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