Informal Logic

Volume 42, Number 1, 2022 Special Issue: Douglas Walton and his Contributions to Argumentation Theory Numéro spécial : Douglas Walton et ses contributions à la théorie de l’argumentation

Table of contents (10 articles)


  1. Introduction to the Special Issue. Douglas Walton and his Contribution to Argumentation Theory
  2. Is Every Definition Persuasive? Douglas Walton on Persuasiveness of Definition
  3. A Pragmatic Account of Rephrase in Argumentation: Linguistic and Cognitive Evidence
  4. Argumentation Profiles: A Tool for Analyzing Argumentative Strategies
  5. Douglas Walton’s Contributions in Education: A Synthesis of Theoretical and Empirical Research
  6. Argumentation as a Collaborative Enterprise: A Study of Dialogic Purpose and Dialectical Relevance in Novice and Experienced Arguers
  7. An Epistemological Appraisal of Walton’s Argument Schemes
  8. Burdens of Proposing: On the Burden of Proof in Deliberation Dialogues

Book Notices Received

In Memoriam

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