Informal Logic

Volume 39, Number 4, 2019 Rhetoric and Language: Emotions and Style in Argumentative Discourse

Table of contents (10 articles)

Introduction to the Special Issue

  1. Preface


  1. Argumentative Strategies and Stylistic Devices
  2. Old Delivery and Modern Demagogy: How Ancient Oratorical Style and Delivery can Help us to Understand Modern Populist Speakers
  3. Tense Arguments: Questions, Exclamations, Emotions
  4. Emotions, Argumentation and Argumentativity: Insights from an Analysis of Newspapers Headlines in the Context of the Greek Crisis
  5. Emotions in Argumentative Narration: The Case of the Charlie Hebdo Attack
  6. Emotive Figures as "Shown" Emotion in Italian Post-Unification Conduct Books (1860-1900)
  7. Frozen: Children in Argumentation Between the Agonistic and Cooperation
  8. The Rhetorical and Argumentative Relevance of "Extreme Consequence" in Advertising

Book Reviews

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