Volume 9, Number 1, 2022 Congress October 2021
This special edition is devoted entirely to the 4th International Congress on Whole Person Care (21-24 October, 2021) and includes all accepted abstracts for oral presentations that were presented at this conference.
Table of contents (31 articles)
Congress 2021
A new construct: mindful procedural touch
The lived experiences of teenage girls with scoliosis and the effect of a peer support group, Curvy Girls
Introduction of GRACE program required for COVID-19 disaster - especially for exhausted healthcare workers
The patient as teacher-learnings about becoming a good physician from senior medical students
Engaging healthcare providers and patients on climate action through physical, emotional and social wellness
Peer support for adolescent girls living with scoliosis: finding a digital community
Project Lotus: A really cool community-based initiative assisting women post-homelessness
Traditional & narrative practices of treatment for depression and depressive symptoms in older adults
A student-run free clinic project: lessons in compassion, community, and courage
Kintsugi mind: clinicians can emerge from the pandemic whole
The impact of virtual care on relationship centered care: Observations of a family physician
The use of digital tablets eases the way to compassionate care during the COVID-19 pandemic
Lessons from the "non-critical" patient during a pandemic: developmental-behavioural pediatric populations & COVID-19
Online health promotion program and individualized health coaching for veteran wellbeing
Looking into the kaleidoscope of activism: the engagement of care ethics and global bioethics for a refined health security
Developing a collaborative, humanistic interprofessional healthcare culture: a multi-site study
Aging, care and dependency in multimorbidity: how relationships affect elderly women’s homecare and health service use
Psychedelic medicines for existential distress associated with life-threatening illnesses
The need for alternative solutions when caring for patients with language barriers
Healthcare highways in your community
How to think about pain with the whole person in mind
Brief online mindfulness training for medical students: a randomized control study
The use of portraiture to foster humanistic care
Adaptive challenges of curriculum implementation for enhancing medical student resilience at Showa University in Japan
Training interprofessional faculty in humanism and professionalism: a qualitative analysis of what is most important
Where there's smoke: digital storytelling for healing
Ngununggula: The story of a cancer care team for aboriginal people
A gamified sleep intervention for veterans: an overview
Reflections on a journey, doing unfinished business, and homage to Balfour Mount
Harnessing the power of gate control: interventions for procedural pain and anxiety
Queering whole person care in a pandemic