Journal of Forest Engineering

Volume 13, Number 2, July 2002

Table of contents (11 articles)

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Editor's Notes

    Editor's Note

Technical Papers

  1. An Evaluation and Comparison of Mechanised and Manual Tree Planting on Afforestation and Reforestation Sites in Ireland

Editor's Notes

Technical Papers

  1. Multiple Tree Handling in the Selective Felling and Bunching of Small Trees in Dense Stands
  2. Operation of the Single-Grip Harvester:: Motor-Sensory and Cognitive Work

Editor's Notes

Technical Papers

  1. Productivity and Cost of Mechanized Whole-Tree Harvesting of Fast-Growing Eucalypt Stands
  2. Analyses of Parameters Affecting Helicopter Timber Extraction
  3. Health and Safety Issues and Perceptions of Forest Harvesting Contractors in Ireland
  4. Forest Management Guideline Development Through Consensus:: Important Factors to Consider

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