International Journal of Forest Engineering

Managing editor(s): Jeremy Rickards (Founding Editor), Marvin R. Pyles (Editor Emeritus), Ola Lindroos (Editor), Lauri Sikanen (Special Issue Editor), Dominik Roser (Special Issue Editor), Ola Lindroos (Special Issue Editor)


The International Journal of Forest Engineering (IJFE) is dedicated to the dissemination of scholarly writings in all aspects of forest operations, both empirical and theoretical. Most published articles are original research, but review articles are also welcome.

An important role of the IJFE is to report on existing practices and innovations in forest operations by scientists and professionals from around the world to promote environmentally sound forestry practices and contribute to sustainable forest management. 

The scope applies to all kinds of forest management (e.g. short and long rotation; uneven-aged and even-aged) and all uses of the forest biomass (e.g. lumber, pulp and paper, energy and other uses). The journal will include articles related to production and supply of forest biomass to industry or other users, but excludes typically the industrial manufacturing processes (e.g. sawmilling and combustion). 

IJFE is available in open access on the Érudit platform until 2012, vol. 23, no. 2.


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The journal’s archives are offered in open access.

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