International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership

Editor(s): Daniel Laitsch, Elizabeth Farley-Ripple, Teresa Preston, Peng Liu


The International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership (IJEPL) is a refereed electronic journal dedicated to enriching the education policy, leadership, and research use knowledge bases. The Journal welcomes articles on educational policy, leadership, and research use related to a variety of disciplines and educational settings, as well as policy initiatives that emanate from various levels of government. The Journal seeks to build bridges between researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to help identify best practices in learning, teaching, research, policy and leadership. Individuals from each group, therefore, are encouraged to submit articles for publication. Articles must be original research that has not been previously published and should focus on studies and systematic analyses that employ qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methodologies. The number of theoretical articles published will be limited. Because of its international scope, authors are encouraged to focus on the underlying aspects of their research that make the work relevant for the larger community of educators and policymakers.


Back issues (6 issues)

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